Youth. How much she means to us! Speaking of youth, many remembered not only fun with friends, romantic night walk, boundless energy, the sea, prospects and opportunities, but also her constant companion – health and beauty. That is the beauty and health are trying to keep, maintain or restore. Specialists come up with for this new and innovative ways: healing powders and potions, tightens and smooths wrinkles creams and massages. We advise you not to resort immediately to such drastic methods, and to begin to take advice about proper nutrition that will help permanently preserve youth, or even return it.
Let’s start with the anti-aging diet. If you want to slow down the aging process and increase life expectancy, this diet is for you. Its essence is to restrict calories by 30% from the standard consumption and use of products, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients that contribute to the maintenance of vital body functions. Using this diet, you can improve overall health, prevent heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
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